Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Ok. I am finally updating my blog again. I am at home recuperating from a bee sting. Yes, just a bee sting...well a painful one. I went to the doctor and am on orders to keep my foot up and stay off of it through today. I am on antibiotics for the bacterial infection, cellulitis, that came with the allergic reaction. Benedryl and ibuprofen are also my friends.
Oh yeah, and last week I found out that I am anemic and must now start taking three iron pills, at 325mg each, a day and then re-check my labs in about three months.


the Sayler's said...

I'm sorry you were stung - Meredith was stung yesterday and it is NO fun. I am GLAD you are finally updating your blog. I can't wait to see the pics from your new camera.

Rick and JoEllen said...

Bee Stings are no fun! Sorry to hear you had one. Last time you updated your blog you were home sick. Blogging is a fun way to pass away an afternoon! Keep it up. Love you Mom